Tehran hotel

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Enjoy your trip to Yazd

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Yazd is 427 miles south of Tehran (Tehran Hotels are known as best Iran Hotel. Therefor if you like to travel to the capital city of Iran, stay in best hotels Iran (hotels Tehran) and enjoy visiting this amazing historically city) and midway located between Isfahan and Kerman. Yazd is well connected to the rest of the country by Planes, trains and buses.


People of Yazd province in Persian of spoken with some dialectal feature.


Before the arrival of Muslims in Iran, the people of Yazd were like Zoroastrians as well as of other parts of Iran with the extinction of the Sassanian rule in the first half of the Century. Most people in parts of Iran including Yazd Province, converted To Islamic religion, but some of them continued to pay royalties and remained Zoroastrians.

Climate of

Climate of Yazd province is two main causes of dryness. First, it is located on the Worlds dry belt, and is the far from the Omani and Persian Gulf and internal lakes and wetland winds.

Souvenirs and handicrafts

In addition to textiles and peculiarities of produce, special types of sweets are also provided Witch have many fans in all over the world and even around the world the main sweets in Yazd include Baklava, Pochtok , Lushnarigil , Promenx , Brass Bread, Haj Almond, Haj Pistachio and Haj Gharwo . Zolbia, Elephant Corners and a Variety of delicious, Deliciously cooked and Delicious sugary delicacies.

Top 10 Attraction Yazd

Amir Chakhmaq Complex, Jameh Masque Of Yazd, Dowlat Abad Garden, Lariha House, Khan Bazaar, Alexander Prison, Zoroastrian Prison, Mountain Park Yazd, Yazd Water Museum, Shish badgiri ab anbar, Markar Clock Tower, Saadat Factory, ( tehran hotel Zanbil mill, Qasr-e- Ayeneh.


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Best times for visiting Iran

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Generally speaking, Iran is a fantastic country. You can travel to Iran whenever in the year you desire. It is you that should make your decision about the time of your travel. For doing this, first of all, you have to specify the aim of your travel to Iran and then choose the cities you mostly like to visit. Here you can find some suggestions for making better decision regarding the time for travelling to different cities of Iran and book best Iran hotel's online.(hotel Tehran)




Iran is a four-season country with moderate weather in most months. Anytime you enter Iran, you can enjoy the variety of climates.
All-told, spring and autumn are the most pleasant times to visit Iran. In these two seasons, the weather is too mild and you can travel to any cities of Iran and enjoy the exquisite weather. April and May are during the springtime in Iran and the weather is inimitable during these two months for nature lovers. The trees are full of blossom and the sweet aroma can be smelled everywhere. Shiraz, Kashan, Isfahan and Tehran are amongst top destinations we suggest you to visit during these months. From early May to mid-June, a ceremony of making rose water is held in Kashan. This ceremony is very attractive for tourists and every year lots of foreign tourists come to Iran to witness this traditional rite. In Kashan and Isfahan you can make your travel more memorable by staying in traditional houses and hotels.( iran hotel )


In summer the weather is hot in southern cities. However, it is a good time for traveling to the Northern and North-west cities of Iran which have pleasant weather in this season. In these cities you can stay either in luxury hotels or on hotels in the form of wooden cottages in the heart of jungles.
If your destination is azure coasts and beautiful islands of Persian Gulf, the best time to travel is from the beginning of October to the end of March. At this time, the weather is too pleasant in southern cities.


As you know, the central part of Iran is covered with deserts. If you are amongst people interested in trekking in deserts, do not miss autumn to visit Iran deserts, because in this season the weather is not too hot during the daytime and also is not too cold during nights. You cannot experience the silence of desert nights anywhere else. Your travel to desert will be more enjoyable by spending nights in old caravansaries which have become hotels for staying desert lovers.( hotel iran )


If you are one who enjoy skiing on high-grade ski resorts of Iran, December to early April will be a good time for your travel. Dizin ski complex which is located in Alborz Mountains, by having two hotels and several restaurants, is the first ski resort in Iran. In other ski resorts you can also stay at good hotels with appropriate welfare facilities.
We hope our suggestions be helpful for you.

for more information ferdowsihotel booking and Iran Hotel please visit that page.


Iranian Hospitality

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Islam is the religion of kindness and its teachings emphasize strongly on this issue. One of these teachings is respectful reception of the guests. Islam condemns anyone who does not welcome the guests cordially.  There is a famous proverb among Iranian that says a guest is loved by God. According to the trainings of this ethereal religion, guest has a special place among Iranian.( tehran hotel )

Hospitality, a moral character that Iranian are famous for, refers to the works done to provide relief and convenience for the guest. This feature has been an obvious trait of Iranian from many years ago even from ancient time.

So, if you have decided to travel to Iran, you can travel with peace of mind. Wherever you arrive, from large cities such as Tehran, Shiraz, Isfahan, Mashhad and Yazd to small villages, remote areas and even in the heart of desert, sure you will receive a warm welcome from Iranian. Contrary to the negative images portrayed by the media against Iran, Iranian like foreigners very much and welcome them kindly. This trait does not related at all to their economic status. In any economic situation, they try their utmost to provide comfort for you and help you in your affairs. They may invite you for a cup of tea, a meal or even bid you to stay at their house for a couple of days instead of hotel. They never want anything in return. They just like to show the real image of Iran and Iranian to the world. They want to demonstrate world that they are not spleenful and violent as media shows. 

Iranians enjoy talking to foreigners. A thing that you should know is that, they are curious to know your opinion regarding western countries' policy towards Iran. Usually youths like to start conversation with you about the political and economic status of your country and also your lifestyle. So, don't worry about these questions and just answer them kindly. Sure at the end you will leave Iran with sweet memories and never forget their warm reception.

for more information ferdowsi hotel booking and tehran hotel please visit that page.

Travel to Iran Deserts

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Many tourists who book Iran hotels travel to Iran and then stay in hotels of Iran, are interested to go and walk in the deserts, you will find useful information from this article and you will find that why for staying in Iran deserts, you don't necessarily need to stay in Tehran hotels. Nowadays, many Tours in Iran can bring you to deserts which is one of the Tourist Iran attractions of this country. (Iran hotel)

In geographical terms, desert is an area which has converted to salt marsh due to the geographical location and the intense heat of the sun. Some deserts were formerly seas and lakes that have become salt marsh as a result of evaporation of the water.About a quarter part of Iran is composed of deserts that Dasht-e Kavir (Central Desert) and Dasht-e Loot (or Loot Desert) are the famous ones.

Dasht-e Kavir is the largest desert in Iran that has extended from the southern slopes of the central partof Iran. Salt lake, Kavir National Park, Khar Turan National Park, Bajestan, Masile, Maranjab and Rig-e Jenn Deserts are all located in the central plateau of Iran. Without exaggeration, Maranjab which is located in the northern part of Aran and Bidgol city in Isfahan province is a unique desert in the world. Diversity of animal species and vegetation has made this place a pleasant tourist site which attracts lots of tourists to this magical place annually.( isfahan hotel prices )

Rig-e Jenn is a district full of sand dunes. This district is located in the western part of Dasht-e Kavir, southern part of Semnan city and eastern part of Kavir National Park. There isn't any spring or water well in this area.Mesr Village (Mesr Desert) is located in Dasht-e Kavir and in the middle of the path from Damghan to Naeen and Isfahan. This beautiful village is known as one of the most noteworthy tourist sites of Iran.Loot Desert is surrounded by Sistan and Baluchistan, Kerman and South Khorasan provinces and is the 25th largest desert in the world. It was also recognized as the warmest place on the earth between years 2004 to 2009. Scientists believe that the reason of this amount of heat is the dark color of sand and the level of its dryness which absorb the sun's warmth.If you are looking for a soothed and soundless location to get relaxed, we recommend you to visit vast deserts of Iran as there is no noise pollution there. Sure, watching starry sky at nights in the heart of desert is too enjoyable for desert lovers. Desert trekking on the sand and under the sunlight is also another attractive activity that will bring you tranquility. ( Tehran hotel )

However, if you want to spend good times and have a memorable trip to desert, a professional team should accompany you. You can travel to desert with ease of mind with our professional desert team. Mehrdad Ghazvinian is a well-known name throughout the world for holding professional adventure desert tours. He is also known as the Father of Iran Desert and many desert groups have trained under his instructions. Sandboarding, trekking, desert safari and paragliding are of activities that can be included in your adventure Iran desert tour.

Another thing that sure will be interesting for desert lovers is staying at old and historical caravansaries or even camping in tents. Matinabad Desert Eco-Camp, Bali Hotel, Tida and Yata Traditional Hotels and Tabatabaee Guest House are some places we can recommend you to stay during your travel to Iran deserts . For more information about other Iran attractions you may visit that page.Making pleasant memories for you is Iran Passenger mission. So, you can trust us to choose the best for you. 

for more information  best hotels in tehran please visit that page.



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Northern Iran
Northern Iran is composed of three provinces: Gilan, Mazandaran, and Golestan which are located in the south of the Caspian Sea and the north of Alborz Mountains. The climate of northern coasts is hot in the summer and humid and mild in winters. ( iran  hotel )



The center of this city is Rasht. This province is covered with forests. The reason of this pure vegetation is its privileged climate. Gilan has the first rank in the production of tea, olives, nuts and peanuts and the second rank in the production of rice.Anzali, Astara, Astaneh-e Ashrafiyyeh, Fuman, Lahijan, Langrud, Masouleh, Manjil, Rudbar, Roudsar, and Talesh, are of this province main cities.“Anzali port” is the main harbor of the province. Anzali Lagoon is an attractive place to watch birds. This city is also famous for Caviar production.“Masoule” city, “Rood khan” castle in Fouman city, Lahijan city, baazars of Anzali and Astara cities are of this province tourist attractions.( tehran hotel )

Masoule is a historical city with pleasant foggy weather. It has cool summers and snowy winters. Masoule has a unique architecture. So that the courtyard of the upper building is the roof of the lower one. The area in front of houses and also roofs both used as footpaths.Rood khan” castle was constructed on the forest heights in the beautiful Roud khan village. This castle was selected as a national monument because of its structure, architecture and strategic features.

“Masal” city is known as the lost paradise of Gilan. Masal is considered as one of the main tourist areas in Gilan because of its temperate climate, forests, meadows and magnificent countryside. Moreover, a considerable number of monuments are placed in this city.Lahijan” city has been dubbed the tourist capital of the Islamic world. This city is located in the mountain area. Lahijan is famous for its tea plantations. Because of the mild weather and soil quality, the cultivation of tea has good results in this city.“Satan Mountain”, “Lahijan Telecabin” and “Amir kolaye international lagoon”are amongst this city Natural and recreational places. ( tehran hotel )

“Culucheh” is a traditional cookie belongs to Lahijan city.
Olive is cultivated in great extent in “Roud bar” and “Manjil” cities and the economy of these two cities depends on olive and olive-based products.
for more information attraction of iran please visit that page.

The City that is Half the World

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Isfahan has been known for years as “half of the world” not only in Iran but also all over the world. By having more than 6000 historical sites dating back hundreds and thousands of years beside intact natural areas definitely granting this title to Isfahan is not surprising. Diverse kinds of handicrafts and fine arts have been passed on through generations in different cities of this province for centuries. All these reasons together have turned Isfahan into a permanent historical, natural and artistic museum. ( Iran Hotel )

The remained mementos from past years, all show the existence of culture and civilization at this region even at third millennium BC. Ancient hills such as “Tepe Sialk” in the suburb of Isfahan is a good evidence to prove this claim. Tepe Sialk had been the ziggurat and praying place for ancient people residing in this area. This monument was discovered after archaeological excavations in 1931. The objects found at the wreckage of this ziggurat at Isfahan province are kept already at Louvre Museum of Paris, Iran National Museum at Tehran, Kashan Fin Museum and also a museum located beside this ruins. Valuable and fabulous architecture of Isfahan monuments has caused some of these places to be located amongst UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites. ()


surrounded by buildings and mansions remained from Safavid era. In the past, this square was being used for holding various ritual ceremonies and also playing polo stick. Nowadays, it has become a public walkway and a place for holding national and religious rituals. Historical monuments located at this square are Ali Qapu, Abbasi Mosque, Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque and Qeysarie Gate. In addition to these buildings, 200 two-floor chambers and stores are located around this square in which you can find the bests of Isfahan handicrafts and souvenirs. 

“Isfahan Historical Mosques and Cathedrals”

“Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque” is one of the most beautiful historical monuments of Isfahan which compel the visitors to admire its glory.

A significant number of temples and churches which were centers of worshipping the adherent of other religions at Isfahan are already amongst historical attractions of Isfahan province. Hakoup is the first church built by Christians in Jolfa district, Isfahan. However, the most famous church in terms of architectural and decorative paintings in this district is called “Vank” which was built in 1065.

Kouh Sangi fire temple is one of the oldest heritage of Isfahan, the remains of which is still seeable at Kouh Sangi Mountain. Niasar historical fire temple which has been placed at a high height cliff has a significant position amongst worshiping places. ( hotel Iran )

“Historical palaces”
Isfahan owes its famous to a great extent to Chehel Sotoun Palace.
Hasht Behesht Mansion is an unparalleled sample of palaces built in last years of Safavid Dynasty.
Ali Qapu Mansion with its unique architecture, is considered as a great mysteries of Safavid era.
In addition to these magnificent places, historical houses, gardens and minarets are also worth seeing.
All these together have caused Isfahan to be placed at this high position and the center of attentions amongst cities of Iran and annually attracts lots of foreign and domestic tourists to this area. 

for more information Iran Hotel please visit that page.

The Symbol of Iran Glory

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Takht-e Jamshid” or “Persepolis” is the local name of the capital of Achaemenid empire, which in terms of vastity, glory and grandeur is the main ancient treasury remained from this era in Iran. The historical name of this place as cited on inscriptions of palaces is Parsa which means the city of Persian people. ( Iran Hotelbooking )


The Symbol of Iran Glory

Persepolis is located 57 KM away from Shiraz and it is actually a part of Marvdasht city. This artifact has been constructed in the mountain range of "Rahmat" which means "mercy" in Persian.

The construction process of Persepolis began in 512 BC under the command of Darius, the great and then continued by his successors Xerxes the Great (Khashayarsha) and Artaxerxes I (Ardeshir- the first). Its construction lasted approximately 120 years. ( 5 star hotels in iran )

This precious complex is composed of these major parts:

- Official and ceremonial palaces

- Small private palaces

- Royal treasury

- Protective castles and walls

 “Apadana” is the oldest palace of Persepolis. This palace was built by Darius, the great command and it was used for holding New Year celebrations and accepting representatives from affiliated countries.

“Tachara” which means winter house is also attributed to Darius and it was his private palace. ( tehran hotel )

“Hadish” that means a high place had been the name of Xerxes palace which was built on the highest southern part of Persepolis. Xerxes named his palace “Hadish” as it was his wife name too.

In addition to the palaces listed here, there were some other palaces and buildings too.

Unfortunately in years after, Alexander, a Greek general officer assailed to Iran in 330 BC and burned this glorious place. However, the ruins of the royal kingdom of Darius is still one of the most attractive places at Fars province which attracts lots of foreign and domestic tourists annually to this district and UNESCO has registered the name of Persepolis amongst the world heritage sites from 1979.

for more information ferdowsihotel booking please visit that page.


top hotels of shiraz

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One of the cities that you have not ignore in your travel to Iran is Shiraz. Shiraz is the center of art, music and love songs. So, this city is an appealing destination for people interested in art and literature. 
In this article, I want to introduce the first five selected hotels based on TripAdvisor ranking.

Iran hotel )   Zandiyeh Hotel
Zandiyeh is a five-star hotel which offers high quality facilities and services to travelers. The price of rooms and other services are reasonable. This hotel has very helpful and polite staff who speak English very well. The well decorated rooms are tidy and spacious. Zandiyeh hotel has also very good position in the central part of Shiraz, near to the Vakil Bazaar, Saraye Moshir which is also a traditional Bazaar in Shiraz and also Karim Khan Citadel. This hotel has also pool, gym, spa and traditional Persian bath which are interesting for most travelers.


   Shiraz Grand Hotel
Shiraz five-star grand hotel is situated in the neighborhood of the holy Quran gate at the top of a mountain. So, because of its location you will have a good view of the city from this hotel, especially from its rotating restaurant on the 6th floor. This hotel has been constructed recently based on western standard. The rooms are big enough and clean. Separated sport complexes for men and women are of main advantages of Shiraz Grand Hotel.

Karimkhan Hotel  ( hotel Iran )
Karimkhan is a three-star hotel. The hotel and rooms are decorated based on Iranian traditional style. The atmosphere of this hotel is really warm and the staff are friendly and helpful. The tea house of this hotel is interesting for guests too. This hotel does not have restaurant. So, you have to go outside for lunch and dinner. The breakfast is also served at a hotel next to Karimkhan hotel. A good point of this hotel is its reasonable price. So, if you want to receive good services with low prices, this hotel can be a good choice for you.

  ( hotel Tehran )  Homa Hotel
Homa hotel is one of the oldest famous hotels of Shiraz. It was Hilton hotel formerly at the time of Pahlavi era and after the Iran revolution, its name was changed to Homa Hotel. This hotel has a very big and luxury lobby in which you can sit and get relaxed and enjoy of the live piano songs. From Homa hotel, you will have easy access to main historical sites such as hafezieh, Eram garden and Vakil grand bazar. Azadi Park, which is the biggest park in Shiraz is located near to Homa hotel. So, most rooms have a great view of the park. The buffet breakfast and dinner are attractive and enjoyable for all travelers. 

  ( Tehran hotel ) Elysee Hotel
Elysee is a four-star boutique hotel located in a cozy and quiet district of Shiraz. From Elysee hotel you will have easy access to the city center, main historical attractions and old bazaars of Shiraz just in less than 30 minutes. It is also about 5-minute walk from this hotel to the nearest metro station. As a good point, there are lots of shopping centers and malls around this hotel. So, you can dedicate your free time to shopping. Elysee staff welcome you warmly to this modern hotel. The buffet breakfast is appetizing. The rooms are clean and they have been decorated based on international standards. Each night, a musician plays a live music and sings Iranian songs in the Lobby of the hotel which creates a warm and friendly atmosphere for travelers.

top-rated hotels in isfahan

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Isfahan is one of the major tourist destinations in Iran and annually lots of tourists visit this ancient city. There are two types of hotels in Isfahan: modern hotels and traditional houses. Modern hotels are like ordinary hotels all over the world and traditional hotels are old houses which have been changed to hotels for those travelers interested in old places. In this article, we will introduce the 5 top-rated hotels in Isfahan based on travelers’ ranks on TripAdvisor.

(Hotel Iran ) 


 Hasht Behesht Apartment Hotel 

One of the main advantage of this apartment hotel is its good location that from which you will have easy access to most of historical and ancient sightseeing and it is just five-minute walk from Imam Square. The rooms are big enough and clean. The kitchens are well equipped with fridge, electric stove, electric water kettle, dining table sets, pots and pans. So, you have the option to cook for yourself. Breakfast will be delivered and served at your room each morning and it has very friendly and helpful staff. All these advantages have caused this hotel to be chosen as the most favorite hotel between travelers. (Hotel Iran )


 Abbasi Hotel (Iran Hotel booking )

Abbasi hotel is known as the most famous hotel of Isfahan and it is the first choice of nearly all foreign travelers. The most amazing thing that attract the attention of all people at first glance is the magnificent traditional architecture of this 5-star hotel at Isfahan. Staying at rooms at the old wing with garden view are suggested because the view of these rooms is very pleasant. The inner courtyard design is based on Old Persian Garden. A wide variety of services are available at this hotel, such as: fitness center, swimming pool, business center, sauna, different restaurants serving high quality and delicious meals and a popular traditional tea house. The location of Abbasi hotel is also perfect and from which you can go to visit Imam Square by foot in just few minutes.

Tehran hotel



 Viana Hotel (Isfahan Hotel)

Viana is a one-star hotel which is managed by a kind and helpful local family. At this hotel you feel like you are at home. Viana hotel is a bit far from city center and main historical attractions, however you can easily reach the city center with taxi. The main advantage of this hotel is its fair price. This hotel at Isfahan has been newly renovated and the rooms are clean and comfortable.


 Kowsar Hotel (Hotel Isfahan)

Kowsar is a 5-star hotel located in the heart of Isfahan across the “Zayandeh Roud” River and the “Si-o-Seh Pol” Bridge. It is an old hotel which has been renovated completely few years ago. From this hotel, you can go easily by foot to the Armenian district of Isfahan and visit Vank cathedral. It is also 10 to 15 minute walk from this hotel to the center of town. Passengers have mentioned that serving breakfast at the restaurant located on the top floor of hotel with the view of river is one of the best features of this hotel.

Hotel Tehran



(Iran hotel booking) Setareh Hotel

One of the main advantages of Setareh 4-star hotel is its location, because most of the famous historical sights of Isfahan are located within walking distance from this hotel. Rooms at this hotel are nearly small but they are clean.


Iran Ski Resorts

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 Skiing is one of the most attractive recreations in Iran. Iran is famous for its International and high quality ski resorts in the world. Because of placing Alborz and Zagros mountain ranges and also Sabalan and Sahand heights in Iran, a numerous number of ski resorts has been constructed on the slope of these mountains. Up to present, there are thirteen international ski resorts in Iran.


“Dizin” which is placed in northern mountains of Tehran (Gajereh district), is not only the main ski resort in Iran, but also the most authentic one in the Middle East area. It is also the first ski resort in Iran which was approved by the International Ski Federation for holding international official tournaments. It is equipped to three cable cars, two ski lifts, seven dish teleskis and one hammer teleski. Two hotels of “Dizin” and “Gajereh” and also some other residential centers, cottages and restaurants around it are ready to offer services to ski lovers.After Dizin, “Shemshak” which is placed 57 Km away from north-east Tehran, is the second main ski resort in Iran.“Tochal” is one of the most popular ski resorts which is located in the heart of “Shemiranat” district, Tehran. Because of high height of Tochal summit, it is covered with snow and so usable in nearly 8 months of the year. From the western slopes of Tochal resort, you can enjoy thebeautiful scenery of surrounding mountains.

for more information  Hotel iran Hotel tehran , Iran hotel please visit that page.

